30 days of gratitude // two

If there's one thing I've learned being in a big family, it's sacrifice.


You know, that thing where you have to give up the stuff you value for other people.

I'll tell you right now that that's not always my favorite part of being in a big family.  In fact, most days, it's not.  Sacrifice is one of the hardest things people have to learn.

Like... maybe I don't get to sleep until 10am.  In fact no, I'm up at 8:15 every morning because of the little voices and laughs and fights going on outside my door.  I'll be honest... that used to really really bother me.  It really did.  I just wanted to sleep a little bit later than usual.  I've just had to learn to let go.

Okay, and maybe I don't get to do or get everything I want.  With four other kids my parents have to take care of, every little thing I want doesn't always happen.  I'll be honest with you again, for a while, I really didn't like that.  I'd look at my friends who got to do the stuff I didn't and it made me upset.  But looking back, it was worth it.  In reality, the world isn't all about you.  My mom used to tell us that the world doesn't revolve around us and what we want to do.  I kind of pushed that aside for a long time, but now, looking back, I see what she meant.

But through all of this, I've learned that sacrifice is one of the best lessons you can learn.  It's like patience in that you have to learn it at some point in your life.  There's no changing that, it's just part of our life here on earth.  Everyone learns it at some point or another, I just got to learn it at a young age.

So today, I'm grateful for sacrifice, and that the Lord chose to teach it to me at such a young age.

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:1-2

(today i'm also grateful for this photo.  it's such a true representation of my life and big family life)

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