Interrupting my break once again to bring you Treybe's 8 month pictures. Such a joy.
Loves: cheerios, hugs, music, dancing, waving, sweet potatoes.
He is too much, and I have no idea how I lived without him.

k, now i'll really be back after the new year :) Read more...
I'm taking a break in my break to bring you my CHRISTmas (it's Christmas break, what else am I supposed to do with myself?). So, here is my CHRISTmas eve and day. I dearly hope yours was fabulous. I'll be back with more after the new year. :)

I do this every year, and this year it couldn't have come at a better time.
I need a good blog break. I'm now officially on CHRISTmas break (!!!) and I need to step away from writing a bit, and focus on what's important. I want to refocus myself on what I truly designed this blog for. Don't worry, I'll be back. But for now, I wish you all a happy happy CHRISTmas, and a lovely New Years. You all are the reason I keep writing.

To be honest when I heard about all this Instagram craziness I was kind of afraid I'd have to delete my account. But after a response from Instagram I think I'll be staying for a little while, and that makes me really happy. So, my instagram lately.

from this to this // yay algebra!


Today, we received Trey's birth certificate in the mail. It has never in all my life made me quite as overjoyed as it did to hold that piece of paper in my hands, to see my last name on it, to know it means forever. To know it means he will never leave my family. I could talk and talk and talk for days about what adoption means to me, but things like these.... this is why I love it so. Forever has never felt as beautiful in my heart as it does tonight. It's been a long seven months. More things have happened in the past seven months than I know was possible to happen in such a short time period. But every day that I wake up and see his face, I am reminded of the perfect story God made for Trey. Even if it was official on September 6th, it has never felt better to hold a piece of paper in my hands and say forever.
If you've prayed for Trey or my family during some of those moments when I didn't know if I would ever hold this piece of paper in my hands, I want to thank you. You are a part of his story. And there is nothing truer in my mind tonight than the fact that my God is greater.
We are overjoyed that God gave us forever with Trey.