I don't know why but I like to change my template a lot. I get them on pyzam.com instead of the classic, old, plain blogger templates. How do you like it??? I love it. It's called "I love Jesus" which goes along great with me.
Read more...I don't know why but I like to change my template a lot. I get them on pyzam.com instead of the classic, old, plain blogger templates. How do you like it??? I love it. It's called "I love Jesus" which goes along great with me.
I don't know about you but I love Jon and Kate plus 8. It's a really fun show. I go on and tivo every one I see that I haven't seen before. I love tivo. It's on TLC whatever days and times.
Have any of you seen 17 Kids and Counting? I tivo-ed that too. It looks good.
Have a good day/week!!
Well, It's happened. Max ate Squirt. The pregnant fish, is dead. Abi wanted one and a few others, too. We weren't attached to Squirt, though. I just read this little book my grandpa made for us about his life and my Grandma(that died of cancer 7 years ago). A lot of good memories in there. Sometimes, it's like those things you have when you think you remember her, or is that just something I made up? She was a really good grandma. Here's the story, It was a Thursday. Logan, Liam and I were watching T.V(I was almost 5) My mom was on the phone and right after she hung up I went into the kitchen(in our old house) and asked my mom when we were going to Homemakers. She was crying and I asked why she was and she said Grandma Brown died. I wasn't crying because I wasn't old enough to understand the point of crying when somebody dies. I remember at the funeral I asked why everyone was crying and they all laughed. A little remembrance from me. How is your week? I know, it's only Monday. No swimming this week because of Rohashana(sp?). I am at the Jewish community center....
Read more... Do you like them? I love them. They are brown with blue on the inside. Garage sale yesterday, I will tell you about that later.
p.s. Liam and my dad are in Michigan. Abi got bit by a scorpion Friday!!
I'm doing the MS wlak and would like to know if you would support me! It is on November 8th. You can either send me a check(send me an email if you don't know the address) or you can go to http://walkaza.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR/Walk/AZAWalkEvents?fr_id=9502&pg=entry That will take you to the MS Walk page and you will see "Make a Donation to a Participant"...you should click on that Then you will come to the page where you have to put my first and last name in the boxes and click on "Find a Participant" That will bring you to a page with my name and Team Linda. you should click on my name. That will bring you to my Personal Page and there will be a little thermometer there that shows how much in pledges I have and at the top of the thermometer you will see Donate to Emma! and you should click on that That will take you to the page where you can decide how much you want to donate and then just follow the instructions from there. It's not as long a process as you think. OR you can send me a check made out to National Multiple Sclerosis Society and send it to me. Thank you so much for your support!
It's pretty long but not as long a process as you think. Thanks so much!!
Read more...This morning when I was in my room making my bed, we were just talking and he said, just out of the blue, "Emma, sorry for eating all your M&M's" and I said, "What M&M's?" And he said, "The one's in that bowl right there." It turns out they were my skittles that he ate without asking me and I was upset with him that day. I don't know where it came from, but it was just funny. Well, gotta go start school-I have tea with my grandma today!!!!
Read more... When my mom went to Vegas, she brought us smurfs! I got this bride smurfette. I really want the bike smurfette. Do any of you have smurfs? And if so, how many and what kind? I realy like smurfs! I love when they always say, "Papa smurf, papa smurf!" it's so funny(on the t.v. show)!
Did I ever tell you that Eli's potty training is going great? He is officially potty trained!!! My mom said he was the easiest potty trainer besides me!! He never wet the bed, yet!
have a great day!
Oh, yes-a quick thing, My friend that I helped set up a blog http://quartsinrittman.blogspot.com found out he has cancer and has to get chimo. His wife, Betty, is my grandma(mom's mom that died 7 years ago) college room-mate. Please pray for him and that the chimo will work and he will heal. They are Walt(er) and Betty. Thanks!
I think I'm the only one in my family(besides Grandma Snyder) that like Ohio State!! Everyone else(ESPECIALLY my dad and brothers) LOVE Michigan, wolverines. Don't tell my dad, but for Christmas I want an Ohio State hat!! SShhhh!! So for all you football fans, I'm so sorry... GO OHIO STATE!!!!! BOO NOTRE DAME!!! I thought it was the right time to post this. ************************************************ I want to know, what's your favorite football team? Professional and college.My fave. pro. is colts and/or giants. And what's your favorite ice cream flavor and topping?? Mine-cake batter with rainbow sprinkles or mint choc. chip with nothing. Have fun!!
Read more...Today, during school my mom said, doesn't that white fish look fat? Well, it does and it's pregnant!! So, if anyone would like some free fish from us, let me know! I really mean it, we may have over 24 fish!! So, please, please, let me know in comments or an email. However many you want!! FREE FISH!
Read more...Every thing has started back up for us! School, swimming, piano, and co-op!! I love GRACE co-op! It's so fun! I'm doing Creative Writing(Mrs. Eley) and Physics(Mrs. Coe). I had the best time today! I'll tell you my homework for this time: Creative Writing:1. Free write everyday, 2. Keyword outline, and 3. Acrostic Poem Physics: 1. Review-it and an activity. I had swimming today, they saw lightning at 5:15 and said a 30 minute wait, which by now would mean the rest of practice(5:45 we end). Spanish today, Figure this one out: En que grado estas? I'll tell you the answer once somebody comments a guess, and Grandpa-NO ANSWER!!! You'll give it away! Con mucho carino...
Read more...today is grandparents day. we don't really celebrate it. my posts now are short, aren't they? nothing really exciting is going on here except school and swimming. How about you? I wish something exciting was going on this week. some of you have probably heard, but The Puhala's want to move into our neighborhood! Someone made an offer on their house and they made an offer on the house down the street. Something happened to their buyers so now they aren't moving in soon. I'm sad. I hope they will move in soon! have a great sunday!!
Read more...My mom is in vegas I'm here with my dad and today I'm going to abby's. Yesterday I went ice skating with dorian. Then I went to the everroads.
have a great day!!!!!!!!!
I started a new swim team, Swim Neptune. I used to be at SAC (Scottsdale Aquatic Club) but switched because of the times. I love this team even though I only started tuesday. It feels like I'm doing more swimming and less (coach) talking. We have practiced starting dives all week and I feel better about them. I have swimming again tonight. have a great day,
Where would you go if you had a plane that took you anywhere for free? I would . What is your favorite shirt/outfit in your closet? My . What was/is your favorite subject in school? Mine was . I would go to Paris, London, and all the places that are famous. My favorite outfit is my new red and brown dress from Macy's. My favorite subject would have to be... math or creative writing. Have fun!
Read more...we did go to flagstaff and I'm glad we went. I had the BEST time ever!
Yesterday, we went up to ladybug mountain it was so fun! But on the way home, it POURED!! Dorian, me, Logan, liam, and isabella were all in the ranger(below) no doors, I was in the back and got pretty wet dorian in the middle. It was so fun though. Should have taken pics of the clouds.
My mom took a shower before this
our crazy driver
on our way home from ladybug we went to a restaraunt(by this time it was 2 and we didn't have lucnh) mr. Logan (brad logan) tried to put a bag over his head(he has a ranger too and we got trash bags to use as ponchos) He didn't put a hole first, instead he put his whole head thru and it was really funny!! I had the beast time and I hope we can do it again soon!!