Delighting in...
The Technicolors.
I am loving them. Find their music here.
My one wall.
It is so much fun. Emilyann has been talking about her wonderwall, and I think that sounds so much fun.
It is so much fun. Everything from Savers to Good Will. I got this HOBO wallet at Last Chance for $20!!!!!!
Fresh starts.
We are in the process of redoing our front yard. Today, we had the roofers here and, for some reason, these sort of things delight me :) It looks so terrible right now, but seeing the results are always fun. We had guests a few days ago, and my mom said, "...don't worry. It's not hard to find. Our house is the one that is 4 different colors, has holes in the walls...".
Juice glasses.
They make me happy. Holding them in my hands. It reminds me of mornings doing classes. Not so fun, but who really cares?
I dug out my old 75-300mm lens that was given to me as a gift last year. I forget what fun pictures I can take with it!! It is pretty old, since it was a thrifted gift... so you have to pull the lens out and in to get it to zoom in and out, as opposed to turning it.
I LUHUUUUVE scarves. Even though we don't have a real Winter here, I love wearing them like this:
Sharpie Pens.
...but not the ones you're thinking of. The Sharpie PEN. LOVE them so much. They're easy to use, and they don't bleed through paper!!!!! yay!!!
What are you delighting in today??