december, be kind.
i browse tumblr blogs. i browse tumblr blogs and then pin my favorites to pinterest. today, i saw this:
i sure hope december will be kind. i don't want any more falling apart moments.
i enter each month going "maybe this month will be the one!". it gets old. really fast. because, months past, and it never happens. maybe it will never happen. i guess time will tell.
i do, however, hope that this month is kind to me. even if we don't get matched, i don't want another month like the last one.
listening to: +++++
Oh. my. goodness. Waiting can be SO hard. But I promise you, the day you have the little one in your arms it is so, so worth it. The wait is forgotten and you're there in that moment with that precious sibling you've been waiting an eternity for. I've been praying for you, I can't imagine how your heart must have broken when you found out you couldn't get that baby. It'll happen, one day! God has the absolute perfect baby for you guys, and as you wait, He's preparing your heart for the very perfect one. With every day you wait, you're a day closer. <3
I hope that it IS a good month for you!
It's funny because the song you said you were listening to, I had JUST listened to for the first time today!
xx, Annie