The Story of a Flower
So we planted flowers!

And I had fun editing!

But now we will get to the read deal... The Story of a Flower.

I am a flower.
I am a flower in this post, okay?
I get planted.
A very nice family plants me in their special pots.
I am happy and beautiful.
Oh and I smell good, too!

But then. Out of nowhere!

I wilt.

And wilt.

and wilt. My life gets darker.

And then. I die. And my nice beautiful family throws me away.
The End.

Well. That was fun! Great story, eh?

A flower's Story is very depressing.
Those are absolutely the most beautiful photos of flowers I have EVER seen. The colors, the shapes, the shape, the beauty!!! WOW is all I can say. Keep it up, sweetie.
The end of your story is funny. :)
Beautiful pictures!