Please, Mon. I'm trying to do many things.
**(The writing goes with the picture above it)**
Otis calls me Mon.
I can see it in his eyes.
I have a treat in my hands.
"Please, Mon. I want the treat."
"Haha! I'm tricking you, Toad Otey Toady otis-booty face."

"I can't go through it longer, Mon."

"Please? I even lick my lips and shake your hand. I like hands. They taste yummy when I lick them."
"Ohmi GOSH! I saw the lights! And then they disapeared!"

"Please Mon. See? This person is giving me some TLC."

"You know you just love me, Mon. Please? With a ball and lights on top? Oh oh oh! I just love lights, you know, Mon. I just do! Oh and Baron! I love lights and Baron and Treats. oh my! 'Lights Baron Treats oh my!' but please Mon?"

Great pics Emma!
Love the color quality.
Cute little stories. The one about the flowers now this. It is just great! Keep it up!
You are one GREAT story teller. Next time I come to sit wsith you guys, YOU will be the one to tell the bedtime story...I've just lost my job :( but to a super story teller like you how great is that?? :)
Love, Grandpa Steve
Is 'Mon' pronounced with a Jamaican accent? :)