This year marks 16 years.

16 years of summer days spent at the cabin.

Started when I was 6 months old, this cabin has always been my second home.  It is not mine, but when you spend your many summer days and New Years Eves in this place, it takes a big chunk of your heart.  

It holds my best memories.  Sledding, fort-making in the woods, Lucky Charms and Cocoa Puffs in plastic orange bowls, early mornings getting 10 people out the door for skiing, crazyscary thunderstorms, popsicles on the deck, kickball with families on the golf course, smores over the barbecue, golf cart drives before we were qualified to drive avoiding security.  It's always the same going up -- dinner, boys in one car, girls in the other.  Two dogs.  A whole lot of stuff.  

What used to be two weeks has turned into ten days, has turned into the only thing that works in our crazy family schedules -- a weekend.  But it was one of the best weekends.

I love this dear cabin.  See you on the last days of 2013.

Major photo dump coming your way:

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