Please Pray...

Please pray for my grandma. I think most of you know that she has MS. I was supposed to go to her house Monday but she wasn't feeling very well. She came to one of Logan's games and looked fine! Thanks you for your prayers.

Kaarin  – (June 3, 2008 at 11:08 AM)  

Sorry to hear that your grandma is not feeling well. We'll be praying.

Grandpa Steve  – (June 3, 2008 at 2:17 PM)  

Thank you for asking for pray. You're a real sweetie. As you know this lousy MS comes and goes, so Grandma still hopes that she'll feel well enough for you to come over and make paper.

Grandma says to give you a big hug and kiss from her.

Grandpa Steve

Anonymous –   – (June 4, 2008 at 12:33 PM)  

You are so great to your grandparents.

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