awkward moments? psh. not here.
+singing justin bieber while playing black ops (likeaboss) with your brother, and all of a sudden he goes "uh, emma? he can hear you." lovely.
+tweeting justin bieber twenty times asking him to "notice you" and telling him how much you love him and you hope he has a good birthday and then losing 3 followers
+seeing an old man in bright pink tights and high heels at starbucks
+making eye contact with strangers from your car.
random quotes of the week ::
+pistachio ice cream.
"the green part is DISGUSTING. It tastes like christmas"
"what does christmas taste like?"
"a christmas tree. and chestnuts."
+brothers. "how old were you when you were able to go to the bathroom on your own?"
+Hunger Games talk. "I picture him as a scrawny skinny kid." "Oh, I picture him as a barbarian."
+"Emma, you remind me of that bird from the Flinstones."
+"I like carrots cuz they taste like nothing."
+"Dad, let's be honest, you're ugly and I'm hot."
a glance into my life.
aAWE!!!!! i LOVE YOU!!