My mom is actually going to blog again!! With ♥'s, me (or in other words the blogger)(or just emma)
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I'm not the summer at least. Nope! Actually, I'm not so busy in the summer. Most of the time....usually. Except for traveling...we're not busy!! ............................ Today, my mother is ** years old!!! You may ask her(if she says "yes") in the comments! So happy **th birthday, mommy!! (so far she got a Phoenix Home & Garden magazine!) ............................ I'd like LOTS of people on my blog-daily. How can I do that?? Hmmmmm... Like TONS of people-who comment!! That would be nice!!☻ ....................................... I'm sorry I skipped yesterday to blog!! You should check out my new (and Improved☺☺) photography blog! It's still but it's revived!! It's called 'Picture This!' With a "company" picture!! And, if you scroll down to the bottom, there is a cool picture I found! SO ENJOY!!!! ................................... Well, enjoy your FRIDAY night! the blogger (or in other words, emma) ☺
Read more...Blogging is not "hard"... Nope, blogging is NOT hard! Actually, its easy! Whenever somebody says I have a blog they say, "WOW! Really? And how old are you?" well, I've had it since I was 10, and no, I was not the greatest blogger back then☺. That's for sure! It's just easy! Get on, log in, then click new post! Easy! That is a laugh when people say that...but I like it! lol☻ .......... Blogging daily is not as hard as I thought it would be!!? But, don't count on it thru 4th-14th!!! there will be one post on the 4th, then off we go!! I mean, especially cuz theres NO school anymore!! .......... Nope, no pics today!! Maybe tomorrow! With ♥'s... me or in other words, "THE blogger...or just emma:O) ☻
Read more...pinetop
eli..the KING of screaming
Happy Birthday daddy!!
Baby Hudson Taylor was born last weeek!!!!!!!!!!! he's so precious!! ( The Taylor Family)