My Friend Katie
This is Katie. She is 8. I give her my old clothes! She might move to Colorado! I will miss her! She is in dance with me too! I love you Katie! Read more...
The Pumpkin's
These are the pumkin's. (Sammy is in the backround) Mine is the first one. Our whole familie's is the next one. Then Carter's, Sammy's, Abi's, Katie's, Asher's, and Seth's. His dad made a haunted house! I think his is the winner pumpkin!
Pumkin Carving
Every year we have a pumpkin carving party at our house
with our home- fellow ship.
Logan's Birthday
Logan's birthday is Oct. 29th. Today is his birthday. We got him a Nintendo DS (it is a gameboy) and from me, Liam, & Eli we got him a Jonas Brother's CD. He loves them. Yesterday he opened the Nintendo (because tonight we are having people over) and he played it almost all day! And he opened the CD this morning and put it in right away! HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY LOGAN!
Liam playing soccer Logan playing football.
Logan is the Steelers Liam is the Hammerheads.
Logan is the Steelers Liam is the Hammerheads.
The Beach!
I love the beach. The sound of waves,
the shells, and the water. So fun. I went all
the way in! It wasn't cold!
the shells, and the water. So fun. I went all
the way in! It wasn't cold!
Today I have dance. I LOVE to dance. I have been doing dance since I was 4 (I think?)! With "Miss Janna" Everroad. And this year we are doing a dance called: "Everyday". I love it. I can't wait until it is 4:00 on Tuesdays. The people that are in it are: Abi,Haley,Olivia,Katie K., Katie W.,Emma T., Me,Taylor,Galilee,Jemima. People I love to dance with that I don't see very often. Read more...
Swim Meet
On Saturday I had a swim meet. It was fun! This is me swimming backstroke. I did: a freestyle relay 2 laps, a breaststroke race 4 laps, and a backstroke race 2 laps. That's all I did. Read more...
My Friend Stefanie!
This is my friend Stefanie Page. Her family is a missionary in Abu Dhabi. They came out in the Summer and had dinner and swam at our house. It was really fun. She didn't have a webkinz and I have 3 so I bought her one with my own money. I miss her so much!
Oh yea! She said I was the only one who spelled her name right.